Who needs bread??

I have been reading a book written by Max Lucado.  As I am reading this book, I find so many nuggets of truth that God has already been speaking to me. Funny how God does that.  Kind of like he's saying "I REALLY really want you to get this!" 

My big battle right now is my weight!  I like to eat... I don't eat a lot of junk but I do turn to food too often when I'm stressed or whatever... How many of you are stress eaters?  I'm sure guilty!  Well, we all know life is stressful! I've lost 50 lbs but I seem to be stuck there.  Yep!  Truly stuck. 

So, God's been talking to me.  He's been reminding me that HE needs to be my only comfort.  Not people, not food, not anything other than HIM! 

As I am reading this book, I just stopped in my tracks!  Mathew 4:4 says Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

It gripped me! Right there! Jesus in his most obvious weak point... fasting for forty days!  Satan is trying to convince him to turn the rocks into bread.  Jesus looks him in the eye and gets on him!  Say what!?!?  I don't need bread!  God is enough!  I can see the look on his face even as I think about it! The "I dont even believe you just challenged me that way" look. 

I had that light bulb moment that I need that attitude with food!  Food isn't my God!  I dont have to live by food alone!  I live for God!  I live by every word he breathes!  I am his!  So, I am taking on a new look with this. I know I blogged about eating and what i'm supposed to eat not too long ago, but I'm now going further! I want to be all that I can be for God and by that, I need my "stuff" to come under control for Him!  So, Lord, here I am! 

Thanks papa! 
Your learning little girl! 


  1. Love this! And you've obviously read The Shack! :) Where we at now....12 or 13 days? YAY!!! Love you!

    1. Nope, I havent read the shack. and girl, we are at 13 days!


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