
This past week, we had another bumpy road in life!  It's funny how God uses our trials to teach us and to grow us!  I am grateful for family membes who are there for us through thick and thin and never question what we need or how great the task!  I am grateful for friends who stand beside us and lift us up and encourage us! 

This week, I have hit my all time low of not understanding life.  I got a text from a friend that God has always used as an instrument of speaking truth into my life since we were little girls playing together!  I don't think she realized the depth (Or maybe she did since she always seems to "get it") of what she was saying to me but this is the passage she sent...

Psalm 27:13-14 "What would have become of me had I not believed to see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living!  Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage, and let your heart be stout and enduring. yes, wait and hope for and expect the Lord."

The day I got this, it really started to hit me very hard from the moment that I read it.  All too many times, we begin to focus on the "trials" of life instead of the answer or the hope that we have!  This passage asks "What would have become of me had I not believed to see the Lord's goodness..."  When we all stop to think about it, at some point in our lives, just about every one hits a wall, or a place that we lose the belief and we step back and begin sinking into the weight of life around us.  It makes it difficult and we need someone to shake us and scream "HELLO! What are you doing?!?!?!"  This passage did that for me.  I believe that I was truly beginning to see what would have become of me.  It's a dark place to be with out your eyes on the right thing! 

I began searching my heart as the day went on and I realized... it's time to fight! It's time to believe. It's time to look for what God has!  There is no problem that is too big for God!  The problem that we have that holds us back and discourages us is that we have the wrong focus and that focus is what's important!  If you want hope, you want to be brave or full of courage, if you want to get through this life intact and not let things break you or destroy you, the key is believeing and looking to Jesus! 

That's what I learned through this all.  So instead of feeling down about life and feeling like the problems are just ever growing, I wait and I hope!  I believe and I have courage because I know that my GOD is bigger than it all! I know that he holds the victory and so I can live in victory every day!  So, Game on life!  Life might bring it but I have what it takes because I believe! 

~mommy pfohl~


  1. God Bless you, Mindy! "Be strong and of a good courage..."


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