Making Changes

It's funny the journey that life takes us on.  A couple of years ago, life was much different for me. God uses life circumstances to teach us and make us realize our own faults!  For instance, one thing I have continued to work with my daughter on (As you know, we homeschool) having a better attitude about school.  She gets grumpy and thinks it's "Stupid to learn this" or she gets fussy about "Why do I have to write that when I already know how..." Being this way brings down her entire day and well, it affects the quality of her work and the mood of all of us around her! 

Philippians 2:14 says "Do everything without grumbling or arguing" 

As I have been teaching her this, and let me tell you... it's been a battle, God has really shown me that I have this area in my life that needs work as well! My arear isn't my school work, obviously! However, one of my health issues requires my body to eat lower carbs in order to keep my levels normal.  It's hard to eat low carb and low fat (which my body also needs).  So, I grumble and I argue and I find every excuse in the book NOT to do what is needed!  Well, that's very wrong of me!  That attitude doesn't affect just me!  Like I tell Abby, the attitude we have to face the day sets the mood around us! It wears off on people!  But also, it can make or break how we do and what we accomplish!

So, when we're negative, grumbling and humdrum... so goes the rest of the world around us because we take them down with us!  So, today, my focus has been being positive.  Finding ways to improve every area of my eating.  Finding ways to look at it as a positive lifestyle change as apposed to looking at it as torture, stupid and not worth doing!  When I'm negative like that, it affects my family. It makes them struggle as well or brings down their mood!

God wants my body healthy and to do that, I have to make better choices and I have to do what it takes to give myself everything I can to be the healthiest I can be for God and for my family!  So, today... I'm going to make every effort to do things without grumbling or arguing!

Thanks Papa! 
Love, your ever changing daughter! 


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