All of YOU! None of me....

Last night, as I was tucking the kids into bed, I was feeling frazzled and burned out because the day had been long.  The kids had been at each other, tempers were flairing between them and it just over all stunk. 

I took Sister's Bible and sat down to read to them.  I read Psalm 1.  Some of the verses are as follows:

vs. 1 "blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of the mockers." vs. 2 "But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night."  vs. 3 "He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."

If you'll recall with me, I just posted a bit ago about being a seed.  This has really opened my mind up to the fact that my life needs to be TOTALLY enveloped in Him and who HE is.  When I read these Bible verses last night, it took me by surprise that this would be what I read! 

Because of that, it hit me, my children are seeds as well!  I need to be teaching them these values more right now than ever before!  They need to understand the importance of loving Him and of meditating on His law day and night. 

I explained the verses some last night, but I left their bedroom pondering.  This morning, we started something new in our house.  My awesome friend does "Circle Time" with her family.  So, today, we started that. I got the Bible out again and I read these verses.  But this time, I went into more detail with the kids.  I talked about how one of the things Jesus said we need to do is "Love your neighbor as yourself."  When we're angry at each other, when we are making fun or putting the other person down... we aren't doing what Jesus said.  So, it's wrong of us!  I seen their little light bulbs come on. I said "So what do we need to do?"  My daughter says "Mommy, we need to be nice no matter what. Even when my brothers make me angry, I need to find a way not to be.". 

The smile beaming from my face as she got it had to be somewhat embarrassing!  But I was so excited!  So, we made a promise... today, when we feel like saying something mean, getting angry, raising our voices, we need to stop, take a breath and pray!  Ask God to help us be more like Jesus! 

Then, we joined hands and we prayed.  We asked God for the strength to be more like Him! 

Thanks Papa for teaching us and growing us!
Ever learning mommy....


  1. Love it. Thanks for sharing. My boys are beyond this stage. But I was so encouraged last night to hear my middle son tell me that when my hubby was grumping at him he is trying to look at it as an opportunity to learn patience.


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