Free will offerings

I am going through a women's study with some ladies at the church we've been attending.  The study is called "A Woman's Heart, God's Dwelling Place" by Beth Moore.  This is my first experience doing any of her studies.  I must say that she has been given some seriously POWERFUL insights into the word of God and a true gift to deliver those insights to your heart in a way that makes the word become more true and alive to you.

Today, in our daily study, we looked at the period of time when God told Moses to have the people bring free will offerings before Him for the building of the tabernacle.  In Exodus 36:6-7, it says, "Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp: 'No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary.' And so the people were restrained from bringing more, because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work." 

I really became convicted with this.  Our country, really our world, is in so much need of God.  They need to know his love, his presence, his forgiveness... Being that we have been in ministry for so long, my heart is grieved because so many churches, ministries or outreach centers are in need of leadership, in need of finances or tools to reach out to the community.  There is never enough, it seems! 

Realistically, if you look around, if the people of God would give joyfully of what they had, their possessions, their gifts, their talents.... this world would be changed forever! God would be screaming "That's enough already!  Everything we need has been brought!"  But we hold on.  we grip all we've got because we might need it or we might not have enough! 

I realized today, God has Jeff and I in a season of rest right now.  A season we aren't to give as we had been.  It's been hard on us.  Our hearts are for ministry!  They're for giving of everything we've got.  Always have been.  But our free will offering right now, it's loving on our family within our home, its resting & healing.  Our ministry right now is within our four walls.  But in doing that, it doesn't mean that we can't allow our light to still shine or our love for God to be a witness to those around us!  God can still use us right now in this season!  We just have to tap into what God wants us doing. 

My free will offering... Let the love that God has placed in me shine. 

Makes me think of the song I sang in kids church as a little girl "this little light of mine.  I'm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine.  This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine... let it shine... let it shine... let it shine...."

Thanks papa for your goodness!
Letting my light shine!


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