
Well, I have heard God say a lot more here lately "Shhh!"  Seriously God?  Don't you know you made me a motor mouth and I don't like that word!  But, it's true, he continues...

I've been asking God for wisdom, asking Him to show me the direction I am to be going and how to help my family grow in Him more.  In that, He has used the scripture over and over... Be still and know that I am God.  As I have managed to get more and more quiet I am beginning to see things and hear Him! 

Ever heard the line "Stop and smell the roses..." I think that's where I am.  God wants me to see what's around me. What He's is doing.  What He is about in my life.  In that I am beginning to see His awesome majesty!  The beauty of just how much He loves me and loves every one in my house. 

It's amazing too what you see about yourself when you manage to be truly "still" and know that HE IS God!

Your not so quiet quiet one... :)


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