Time together!

Yesterday, the kids and I had a lot of fun together!  Sunday evenings, I have been trying to do more fun things with them just because its about our only day of nothing to do but attend church! 

So, yesterday, we made COOKIES!!!  The kids love chocolate chip cookies.  It's fun to watch them explore measurements and learn to make things on their own.  They really enjoyed it! 

We did one other thing after we were done with the cookies but for today's entry it is top secret!!!  We made Papaw Stumps birthday present! :)  So, in a few days, I'll post some pictures and let you see just how much fun we had! 

The older two (during little brothers nap) went out to play yesterday.  It was in the 50's and let me tell you, they are ready for spring to come!  They had so much fun running and playing in the back yard.  Hearing their giggles as I watched from the table/window just made my day! 

Take time to enjoy today!  Find something that will make you smile and realize that God himself created that moment just for you!  Every time I hear a giggle, I see the joy on their faces or stop and ponder the reality of what we really do have... I'm reminded we are blessed!  Blessed because God loves me enough to give me and every one else moments of joy! 
Feeling blessed! 
Mommy pfohl


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