Thoughts from the day...

Today's been a good day.  We had church, which is the highlight of my week!  I love seeing every one and worshipping together! 

Today, in Kingdom Kids (Grace Community's children's ministry) we wrapped up a series on being thankful.  The scripture we have been using is Psalm 107:1 "Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His faithful love endures forever."  My hearts smiled as I listened to the kids say the verse!  So awesome to hear them "Remembering" scripture!  But what got me today... We talked about WHO in your life are you most thankful for. 

God's given Jeff and I so many people to be thankful for this year!  As we have walked out this exciting church plant, it's brought us so close to individuals we have always loved, but now know in a much deeper way and call family!  My heart is bursting with Thankfulness for those individuals who have poured themselves into walking out the vision God's given.  So, In my thankfulness, I'm also standing in excited expectation of what is around the corner.  As we grow as a new church family, God has so much more in store.  Count me in on seeing it come to be!

~mommy pfohl~


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