Even when it doesn't add up...

This morning, I was reading my Bible.  The thoughts of how we started this church plant of Grace Community Church were roaming through my head.  There are days I question if we have enough to do this, why were we chosen, what's to come, how's it all going to play out... they all roam through my mind.  God took me to Joshua this morning and the big wall!  Some times, God calls you to be crazy!  To jump out there and do what the rest of the world says in impossible.  God asked Joshua to march around the city 7 times and to do so silently only sounding the trumpets.  On the seventh day, they marched 7 times silently until Joshua gave the word!  The word was SHOUT... not fight, not raise your weapons... but SHOUT and the walls would fall and God would hand the city over.  I mean really, who does that?  Who just marches silently and then shouts in a unified shout to take a city?

I can only imagine the "poking fun" they received from individuals guarding the wall.  I know I would have to chuckle if I were on the inside looking out!  But they did it.  They walked out what the world would call "Crazy" and God delivered!  He gave them the city. The walls fell and they ran in to take it over! 

Some times, being obedient in a crazy calling is hard to do.  I know I question myself sometimes saying,  "God this isn't the way you are to do these things..." and God says, march... be silent... march... So I pick up and march... I walk it out and I say "Here I am Lord. May your will be done in the way you see fit!"  We need not question his ways.  He knows best and He knows exactly the path to take. 

Lord, today, may I be able to understand that when the world see's "crazy" you see just the right ending!  May I be able to trust you and may I be able to walk out every thing you have asked of me and may I do so with out question! Thanks papa for being so amazing in my life! Amen....

~mommy pfohl~


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