Whatever you're doing...

I was driving yesterday and I kept playing this song on repeat... I couldn't think of a song that fits more perfectly to my life right now...

Faith has been the journey that God has had me on... teaching me to trust... teaching me to believe... teaching me to hold on when I feel like I can't... So, listening to this, there are so many words in here that I have felt deep inside...

Starting out, "It's time for healing, Time to move on. It's time to fix what's been broken too long."

I start my conviction there.  God has me in a place that he's forcing me to deal with some pretty painful thorns in my life.  This song says "There's a wave that's crashing over me..."  I've been wanting to fight this wave in my life so BADLY but it's true... "All I can do is surrender..."

"Whatever you're doing inside of me, It feels like chaos but somehow there's peace. And it's hard to surrender to what I can't see, But I'm giving in to something heavenly..."  And there... there is my catcher!  Something I can't see!   Ever feel like things in life are blowing up in your face?  Like nothing could even possibly go right?  Yeah, That's been a lot of things across the board right now... Doctor appointments, vehicles, finances... you name it.  But God promises to be there even though he DOESN'T promise to not  give us too much...  God promises to have a handle on things, to hold my hand, and to lift me up!  I think of the time the disciples were on the boat and a storm arose... they woke Jesus in a panic and questioned how he could sleep at a time like this.  Jesus rebuked them saying, you of little faith.

Funny how we can relate to the shameful moments... the stories that we sit back and go "Oh geez, why would they be scared with Jesus right there?"  Seriously... I've been scared... I've been rattled... but Jesus is here.  So why?  Because I don't TRUST what I can't see.  I can't see the outcome of my health or my children's health... I can't see what's going to happen with vehicles, finances, or any other challenge we face!  But what do I do?  Surrender to the promise of hope and provision?  Or live my life on edge and panic? 

I have fought hard to let go this week.  To trust and to believe that God has this thing.  I have felt like chaos but... SOMEHOW there's peace! 



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