
So, yesterday, I was doing one of my least favorite things... EVER!!! I was cleaning the boys room.  As I was cleaning, I kept finding little "Treasures".  Crumpled leaves they kept and said, "I'll call you leafy", papers they had drawn little pictures on of their favorite things, and even little toys/trinkets that most would consider trash or cheap and they cherish them dearly!! 

As I was cleaning and finding these little treasures, I started to smile.  Each treasure held a memory that I knew the reason why they loved it and why they kept it... Then I got to thinking about the scripture verse "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

So, I'm thinking of this verse and I just stopped and sat where I was, holding a crumpled leaf in one hand and in the other hand a little drawing of what I am going to guess was iron man flying to save the earth from terrible disaster!  And all these emotions of joy and wonder flood my heart. 

Store up treasures in heaven....

 Do you know what I thought about?

I thought about God... my papa! My father who didn't just create me... HE made me FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY!  He took his time and made me exactly the way he wanted with his purpose and intent! 

Then I got this picture of my Papa's (God's) gigantic refrigerator with all my beautiful work hanging on it!  Proud things that hold proud moments in my life!  Maybe, a picture of me telling the truth to someone who's been lost... an image of me holding a hand of someone frightened... pictures of all of my accomplishments (big or little...) when I did his will or I did what he asked... treasures in heaven....

That's exactly what I pictured!  It made me smile because we have a God who loves us, a God who feels pride and even joy, a God who pursues us, and a God who cherishes who we are and even the small things we do.  God may not have a refrigerator with the art work of our lives... BUT he does store up our treasures in heaven!  Where our treasure is... there our hearts are...

I know for me, I'm excited at the thought that Papa treasures me... he treasures even my smallest attempts and my greatest accomplishments! :) 


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