God's GOT IT!!!

Sometimes, life throws changes at us we just don't know how to handle.  We want to react... but sometimes, we don't even (as humans in general) know how to react... We find ourselves at a loss... a blank spot in time... if we cry... we may break completely... if we laugh... we may not ever stop... if we scream.... we might not regain control... if we cover it up.... we may always stay numb....

In those moments, where do we turn?  What do we do? What do we say? 

I've been asking those questions a lot lately... I've been living... looking at my own reality.  Hurting watching my kids suffer with an illness that seems invisible but has the strength of a bulldozer to wipe your feet from under... watching my own body change in ways that frightens me! Then as I attempt to cope with my own health changes and continue to help them, my family...  but try to find that balance to maintain my own health so I can be the best mom and wife I can be.... it becomes a muddled mess of emotions...

This is where I have found myself struggling the most... my new area... ME. 

I was reading  a reply today from an email that a friend wrote... a friend who understands the battle of an ill child... a friend that gets the "unknown" of what will tomorrow hold.  In the email, this friend said "it isn't well with my world... but it's well with my soul..."

I had nothing but tears when I read this.  I scramble too often to try to make it well with my world... this world offers nothing... it's my heavenly father, my papa who offers what I need. 

Can God change the circumstances of my world?  Absolutely!!  Do I believe he will? I believe he can and I believe he will IF it is his will... All I can do is be me.. be who God created me to be... and TRUST.... trust that He knows best and that His perfect plan and design will one day come to pass for whatever reason he picked this journey for our lives. 

This week, we have had a lot of hard talks, a lot of hard emotions, and questions to answer.  It's been VERY hard not to dwell on the negative and not to look at the "What ifs" and the "Outcome" as we are told... Jeff found this verse Proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." 

What a power packed little sentence. Hope comes from the heart.  Hope is something we hope for... something we believe in that we can't necessarily see... when our hearts lose track of that, it makes sense... we begin to give up... we begin to focus on the negative.... we begin to become the very thing we fear.  Look at ANY cancer patient.  Their very outcome depends on their attitude and mind set... their doctors will tell you, what their focus is affects their treatment and can even affect if they over come and respond to treatment... as they think in their heart... so are they!  It makes sense!

So, our battle this week has turned from fighting emotions... to finding hope. Dwelling on truths... Looking at what we know... Not living in denial!  WE KNOW the reality full well... but we also KNOW that God says "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  Plans to give you a future and a HOPE!"  So... that's what we think in our hearts!  that's what we will dwell on! It doesn't matter what we walk through, how tough it is, or even what the outcome is...  GOD'S GOT IT!!! 

I don't know what you're facing.  I don't know if your life holds or has heald unwanted change... but consider what you think in your heart... GOD'S GOT IT......


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