
Wondering thoughts

How many times a day do you catch your mind wondering off? Do you replay scenarios in your head? Do you dwell on the "what ifs" of life?  Do you ask yourself random questions about random knowledge? Or, do you maybe dwell on the things in your life that aren't positive? Physical or emotional pain? Changes in your health and wishing you could be the person you once were?  That last one is my BIGGEST hang up.  I miss ME... But the truth is... I am still me... just with different challenges every day.  But it's hard to get that from my HEAD to my HEART.... Apparently it's a really LONG travel.  Today, this was all heavy on my heart again as I sat listening to my kids talk and as I sat pondering my own "stuff".  Sometimes we just get stuck.  Stuck in our thoughts and our ways.  Our thoughts go round and round and most the time... when I'm stuck in those thoughts, they are thoughts that will bring me down and bring me down QUICKLY... So, I was prayin...

sci-fi gone Jesus

Some times around here, we get a little crazy!  When I say crazy... I mean all forms are welcome at the door!  Just check in as you enter so we know what crazy we have today!  Today's crazy.... sci-fi gone Jesus!  I honestly come to you bringing the reality that life gets hard around here.  Emotions can dive quick. We have a lot of good days and we have a lot of GREAT days, but in the midst of every one of those days are pockets of time that creep up with deep emotion that are so very hard to swallow.  We have been faced with a lot of those lately.  We have the dreaded realities that no one wants to talk about.  The realities that hang there with gloom.  The realities we all like to shove to the back burner and never speak of.  BUT... they are there.... and though we'd like to say they aren't, they are ever present on our minds.  One of the many questions we get asked.... is there a cure? Will you get better?  Will they gro...

How can you?

I was sitting down this morning to read my Bible and I came across the verse in Phillipians 4:13 that says, "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." You know, I have used this scripture many many times when I am struggling to get through something.  It's an awesome reminder that God is there... that God will help... That Christ is our strength.... But today it sunk in a little deeper as I backed up and looked further at the passage.  When Paul wrote this, he was addressing the Phillipians.  He was saying to them at this very point that he had learned to be content.  He had learned to live within the means of whatever he had at that time.  He said to them, "I am not saying this because I am in need for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether livi...

Bearing A Heavy Title....

Today as I was listening to my worship station, this song, "Fear Is a Liar" came on and it really stopped me for a moment as I truly listened.  The fear of the titles we bear often is the liar that drags us down.... Sometimes, the titles that people don't think of are the titles that many bear on a daily basis. You often think about titles just as jobs that we hold.  Positions of power... but we all have titles in our lives... some titles are heavier than the title of any highest power you could hold... it is often a title that we  bear completely alone.  Titles like "Special needs, spoony, terminal, chronic, incurable, progressive..." The list could go on!  Yes... medical titles cause fear!  They hold us back, they tell us we can't be what we always dreamt or wanted... they crush us... but God has a plan beyond that title.  God says in Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans  I have for you,” declares the  Lord , “plans to prosp...

Finding oneself in a lost world...

As our children grow, I watch the talks that we have change.  The questions become harder.  The shows that they watch become harder to combat with.  The world we live in grows stronger to over take and overwhelm with ways that seem to take them down paths that are hard and scary... This morning as I prayed, I was overwhelmed by todays society. Thinking of the youth of today... teens taking on the Tide Pod challenge or the Aerosol deodorant challenge... The amount of stories I hear of teens struggling to know their "sexual identity", or the cutting, the suicide attempts because of the pressures of life, drug overdoses, the shootings and killings... it's a heavy world... Then our children ask questions. They want to understand. They want to know why. So, this morning, God took me to a passage I know well, but it clicked in a way it had never clicked today.  It's found in 2 Timothy 4:2 It says, "Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, re...

Broken Legs...

I am reading the Bible tonight trying to put together something on my heart.  As I do, I'm sitting here and I have so much emotion welling up in me.  The question of, "Who is this Jesus" is something I have been feeling I'm to research and write some lessons on.  As I'm diving into it, my heart is being torn in so many ways myself. My first lesson in this series of lessons is that of the Shepherd.  Jesus is our Shepherd.  John 10:11-15 says, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.  The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away.  Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it.  The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.  I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me - just as the Father knows me and I know the Father - and I lay down my life for the sheep." As I read this, I t...

Turn of events...

My life has taken a sudden change... everything I once knew... it feels I no longer know.  I was admitted 2 1/2 weeks ago because of my aspiration issues and a Peg tube (feeding tube) was placed in my abdomen.  I went in with the understanding this was going to be supplemental... and I came out learning this was it... This was my sole nutrition.... The words NPO indefinitely were written in bold letters across the note from my surgeon and team of doctors (NPO meaning... nothing by mouth).  You don't realize how big that word Indefinite is... until it's placed on something major in your life.  This has been a hard road.  I have put on my bravest most strongest face I can... but there are moments... daily moments... I find myself broken... I feel so much better now with my health that it makes it all worthwhile but for me... for many... food is social!  We get together and we eat.... we have parties and we eat... we have victories and we eat... we go on dat...