Wondering thoughts

How many times a day do you catch your mind wondering off? Do you replay scenarios in your head? Do you dwell on the "what ifs" of life?  Do you ask yourself random questions about random knowledge? Or, do you maybe dwell on the things in your life that aren't positive? Physical or emotional pain? Changes in your health and wishing you could be the person you once were? 

That last one is my BIGGEST hang up.  I miss ME... But the truth is... I am still me... just with different challenges every day.  But it's hard to get that from my HEAD to my HEART.... Apparently it's a really LONG travel.  Today, this was all heavy on my heart again as I sat listening to my kids talk and as I sat pondering my own "stuff".  Sometimes we just get stuck.  Stuck in our thoughts and our ways.  Our thoughts go round and round and most the time... when I'm stuck in those thoughts, they are thoughts that will bring me down and bring me down QUICKLY... So, I was praying this morning and asking God... How do I fix this?  Here's what I hear....

Philippians 4:8

 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

Looking at all these things.... The things in my mind are not worthy of praise.  They are not true of me, they are not honorable of who I am in Christ, they are not right or pure or lovely or.... I think you get it! I have some ugly thoughts rolling around!  Do you do that?  Oh, I am sure I am not the only one!  

The question is .... why does God want us thinking on these things?  Not to make us have no fun in life or make us "Holier than thou!" Not at all!  Take a look at Verse 9

Philippians 4:9

The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

The God of PEACE will be WITH YOU!!!!  And no, I'm not saying that God says, "Do this or I'll abandon you!" Of course not!  Our God will never nor would He ever abandon us. HOWEVER, if you have negative or unwholesome or even sinful thoughts rolling around in your mind.... God can't be close... not the way He desires to be, because He is a God of purity who knows no sin himself! Even thoughts that our negative about ourselves, the ones that I struggle the most with, are sinful because we are trash talking what God made! WE are His amazing and beautiful creation. Loved, picked out and chosen for His glory! So, therefore, when we are letting ourselves dwell on anything but these things, we are causing a gap in our relationship with Him.  

It's so hard to focus our minds but when we do, that pay off in the end is beautiful because it brings us so much closer to our heavenly father! Only in that moment, will we experience more than we could ever imagine in this life. A closeness with God that is not able to be described! 


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