sci-fi gone Jesus

Some times around here, we get a little crazy!  When I say crazy... I mean all forms are welcome at the door!  Just check in as you enter so we know what crazy we have today!  Today's crazy.... sci-fi gone Jesus! 

I honestly come to you bringing the reality that life gets hard around here.  Emotions can dive quick. We have a lot of good days and we have a lot of GREAT days, but in the midst of every one of those days are pockets of time that creep up with deep emotion that are so very hard to swallow.  We have been faced with a lot of those lately. 

We have the dreaded realities that no one wants to talk about.  The realities that hang there with gloom.  The realities we all like to shove to the back burner and never speak of.  BUT... they are there.... and though we'd like to say they aren't, they are ever present on our minds.  One of the many questions we get asked.... is there a cure? Will you get better?  Will they grow out of this? The answer? No.... across the board.  Then the glazed look of horror followed by the overly dramatic sense of sympathy as they mumble, "You mean this is terminal?"  Well, yes....

I sat talking the other night with a family member who's  really struggling.  In my heart, I knew what was going on.  I hear the conversations.  I know what's going on in the heart of this family member.  Then suddenly, God impressed on me this image of two boxes.  These two boxes are like our world in two separate dimensions (this is where that sci-fi kicks in.... my husband has ruined me!) but yet they run side by side and battle for our reality. 

In one box... you have the burdens and weight... you have the reality of everything in life.  For our home.... we call this the mito box.   This disease has everything heavy associated with it  Hopelessness, brokenness, the feeling of no future, the feeling that this is it... this is all there is..... we are tired, we ache, we hurt, we have one thing after the other pop up....

In the other box.... you have the truth.... you have the reality of what God intended in life.  Again, for our home.... we call this the God box.  This who created us.  Our hope, our healer, our future, He is our all!   This is where all of our joy, the ability to put our next foot forward comes from... This is the box where we can find TRUE life and joy.

So, here's where the sci-fi part kicks in with this picture in my mind!  We can't live in two realities!  I mean, for real! We have to pick a dimension to be in or we are going to get torn apart.  Shredded!  But we also can't abandon both because they are both 100% our lives.... so what do we do? 

Here it is.  Are you ready?  We have to find a way to live in our God box.  That God box is the place that God intended for us.  Did God allow this disease to be a part of our lives? Sure did! Does he have a purpose for it? Absolutely!  Do we always see the purpose?  NOPE!  But we have to trust.  WE have to trust that we are here for more than existence.  When we lose sight of that, we forfeit all the beautiful and amazing things that God holds for us.  We resign ourselves to less than God's best.  We allow ourselves to slip away and we lose who we are down a dark hole that swallows us up.  But in the God box, we are covered in grace! We are lifted up in love.  We find the grace to live in today but still have hope for tomorrow!

But what about the other box?  The one floating along side... the mito box.... do we never visit this box?  Do we deny it?  No! We can't do that either because in this box is the reality of today.  In this box is what today holds.  It is what has been handed us.  It's the box that reminds us today, there may not be energy and we may need to sleep.  It's the box that could say, today.... there's too much pain.  It's the box we sometimes have to sit down in and grieve because another ability is gone, another thing we once used to be able to do.... we no longer can do. That's just like a death and we can't ignore it.  We have to have those moments of anger, fear, hurt, tears.... if we don't, we will implode!  It's the place we have to face the hard stuff.  But when we step into this box.... we have to be careful because this one is dangerous!  This one is scary.  This one could be the one that pulls us apart and shatters us.  If we get stuck in this box... we will miss out.  We will only see the dark places.  So, some how, when we step over here.... we have to keep at least a toe over there in that God box.... a life line so we can come back.  It's a rocky balance.

We forget sometimes how hard that balance is until all the sudden we have jumped boxes and we have been riding in the wrong one for too long.  That's the balance of where life is.  That's where it is when you're fighting a path like this.  I don't know what your boxes are labeled... but I know that we all have them.  We have that place where you have to stop and you have to face it.  We have that place where for just a moment... we need to let ourselves be consumed so we can cry and we scream.... But i plead with you.... as I saw this so vividly in my mind.... There are two boxes for a reason.... because that consuming box... that box isn't the box God put you in!  That box isn't the box that makes up WHO YOU are ....

That box is a part of your life... but only in the God box will you find yourself.  Only in the God box can you know that your tomorrow is more than a disease, it's more than a past hurt, it's more than what ever it is that you call your "other" box..... your life is beautiful! it holds meaning, purpose, and God has one intense plan for you! I pray that this is your life line today.... I pray that as I type this.... you'll feel that hand extended and you'll jump through that dimension to the God box.  Let his love wash over you.... let his peace that passes all understanding comfort you.... let the tender voice of his heart sing over you! 


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