When overwhelm takes hold...

Many times in life, things become too much in our lives.  I think each person has a different way of dealing it.  Me, I retreat often within but I am also a talker and when I can't talk through my emotions... well life gets a little... hmm... shall we say... ugly!?!?

I've been in the ugly this week.  Life has thrown so much at us at one time.  We seem to be at a place in life that we feel we are learning a brand new normal, and that comes with an unwelcome tag!  But in those places, we have to remember something... we have to hold onto a truth... WE ARE NOT ALONE.

I'm not talking about people.  I'm not talking about family.  I'm talking about that place with God.  The root of who we are and who we have always been.  YES, faith does waiver at times.  I know often we are told how strong we are and what a testimony our lives are.  But there are many days we waiver and many days we struggle to put that next foot forward trusting that God is there and God is in control.   I've been in this spot this week to be honest... I've been struggling and wondering why things have to be so hard, difficult, painful, a fight... I commented to my husband just last night... I'm tired... I'm growing weary in the fight.  His response... I know... me too!

Yes, WE GET TIRED!  and yep, we hurt! 

But this morning, I got up.  I'm taking a step back from many areas of my life... I'm on a "break".  Why?  Because I need to find me in the shuffle of life.  I need to find that spot I can curl up on Papa God's lap and let go again.  So, this morning, I sit here with my Bible open.  It helps me to write my thoughts as I spend that time with him, so I am writing here because I knew many of you face this day in and day out too.  So, I invite you to share in this moment. 

I have a verse that I have held onto all my life in hard times.  When I am down, I need to feel that someone is there... this verse gives me that. 

Isaiah 41:13 "For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." 

This reminds me that my Father, that GOD is there!  No matter what yesterday held, no matter what today plans to hold, certainly no matter what tomorrow is considering to bring on... I have nothing to fear because God is here... He's holding my hand... and He's helping me. 

Now, I've reminded my head of this today, so, I'm reminding my heart gong forward!  When I say God's got this... that's what I'm holding onto.  I don't know if God is ever going to heal our bodies, or change the course of our days.... I want him to... I pray for that.... but sometimes, just holding onto the truth that God has this is about all I can do.  So, God's got it and today, I'm just gonna hold his hand and try my best to be ok.  And....  For those there with me.... THAT'S OK!  It's all He asks because even when the world tells us that you can't hurt, you can't fear, you can't struggle... TOO MANY times  I have heard the teaching and the belief that Christians can't have emotions and Christians can't struggle.  Recently, I've heard that from someone very dear to me that they were told that... it train wrecked them. 

But the reality is, Jesus himself struggled.  In Matthew 26:37 Jesus says, "...My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death..." and then in vs. 39 He says, "... My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.  Yet not as I will, but as you will."  Jesus was FULL of emotion.  This verse shows me that Jesus too struggled.  He was about to walk through being betrayed, beat, persecuted and crucified for something that he had not done... for the sin in MY life and yours.  If Jesus could struggle... I think He understands that we will and the key is... He didn't give up and walk away.  He had sheer emotion with his Father and then said in Vs. 42... "may your will be done..."

So for those that don't understand your struggle or my struggle... WE aren't throwing in the towel, we are just saying that taking of this cup... the journey of this life... it's hard... but may GOD'S will be done because we KNOW that in the end... God's got it!  So, that's me today... I'm like Jesus... my soul is overwhelmed.... but if this is the cup I'm to drink of today.... then HIS will be done. 

So, Papa, here's my hand... I'm trusting... God's GOT IT! 


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