far off...

The word that comes to my mind when I see this photo is "Expectation".  How many times in life, do we stand waiting.... it might feel like we are waiting on the ball to drop... it might feel like we are excited and we can't wait to put our hands on what is coming... Whatever the case... whether it's a good expectation or a negative one.... we have this....
1 Peter 1:3


All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation
It would be so very easy in life (Believe me, I know) to stand anxious waiting on the next moment.  We live quite a life on our medical journey.  We have had horrendous bumps over time with scary moments of health, people being cruel who don't understand, and even just days that the weight of everything feels like too much... WAY TOO much!  But, on the flip side of the coin, we have had more times of rejoicing!  Getting to see our kids over come the odds, getting to watch miracles happen in their hearts as they draw closer to God, hearing them laugh and giggle, and getting to meet amazing people that we wouldn't have met any other way....
Either side of this coin... we have expectation.  Our reaction to that expectation weighs heavily on the outcome.  In waiting in expectation... we can do nothing but throw our hands up and wait!  Wait to see what comes, wait to see what we catch in the next wave of life, wait to see what God has!  If we live every day drawing on the negative... expecting the worst... we will never even get a hint of God's goodness and see the joy and purpose in what today holds.  But if we wait with joy, with excitement, much like my child was waiting on this beach ball to come down... life changes... the outcome changes... the world is impacted when we catch that ball! 
Life is hard... I speak that from a heart that's been heavy way too much lately!  But its been said numerous times, "you're so positive" or "you always seem to be able to smile no matter what is going on..."  why?  Because of this verse... I have hope.  Maybe not hope here in this life... maybe there is hope here in this life (only God really knows that).... but regardless of today, or tomorrow, or the coming years.... I have God and I know that I will be His for all eternity... I'm thankful for that today.  And today, that's why I wait in expectation... Excited expectation... because today, I don't know what's going to happen... but tomorrow... the FAR OFF... I know God has it and I know He has me when that ball comes down... good or bad... expectation... God has it... He has the far off!


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