Surviving life in a chaotic world!

I don't know how it is at your house, but here it gets pretty crazy!  We have lots going on between doctoring, therapies, medical stuff at home, 4-H clubs, family gatherings, homeschool, and THEN you add on normal every day life. 

One thing we are striving to instill in our kids is how to conserve our spoons.  (Spoons represent the energy we have to spend... Google the "spoon theory" to better understand!) One way of conserving is finding ways to manage the chaos!  Setting a schedule, making goals, having lists that are defined what need done this day to prepare for another day!

I have become very OCD about checklists and calendars.  I know for me, I spend my spoons fast when I'm not prepared.  What happens when your not prepared?  You manage to race around as fast as you possibly can and your scrambling to find everything you need, put together what has to go with you and then you get there and realize half of what you need... well, it's M.I.A.!! 

Most recently, I have created lists for our Rx numbers.  I list the name of the drug, the Rx number and the date it was last filled with how many refills are left.  When I call the pharmacy, I don't have to rummage through all of our bottles, I pull out my spread sheet and I decide what needs ordered.  Then, once the order is here, I chart the new dates and refill quantities for that month! I have a check list for home health supplies so when they call for the refill or I call them, I have it right in front of me to ensure I don't forget anything.  I've even made a list of every doctor we all see & who sees them with their number written beside it... This is all kept in our medicine cabinet to ensure we always know where they are.

This month, I'm working on JJ's birthday party. I have made a party prep calendar.  I have broken down how many days until the party and then I write down a task for each day so that on party day, we load the van and we go and have a blast!  None left behind and everything is in order and then that morning, the only spoons we spend is the spoons it takes us to dress and go!

We are finding, taking the time to do these things, it pays off!  Stress is less!  The chaos begins to become order!  It's wonderful! And at the end of the day, I might have a spoon left to do something I enjoy that isn't on my to-do list! 

What do you do to help survive your chaotic world?

The organizing spoon saving mama! 


  1. Love this suggestion. Going to have to google it and learn more. My energy is gone and life is crazy at teh end of the day. Thanks for sharing


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