I Need You More

Sunday, I took sister to church.  The boys just weren't ready plus daddy had to work.  So, he kept them home.  I was reluctant to go because I have just had so much "stuff" going on inside of me.  I walk into worship service and I have an asthma flair that made me have to leave.  Finally get it settled and I go back in to worship.  I couldn't sing but I just stood there with my eyes closed.

Kind of goes along with the "shhh" moment I have felt God telling me!  I had to be quiet.  This song, "I need you more" was being sung by the worship team and I just felt this flood of God's presence as I cried out the words in my heart!  I do need him more.  More than ever before!  This life has brought so much hard junk and heart ache in the last month or two that I just have felt as though I was drowning.  When you let go of the baggage, you begin to float... as you float, you can see the light above you!  The water's deep right now but there is something refreshing about "floating" with your eyes fixed on God that makes it feel a lot less deep!

In that moment I stood there, my tears begin to flow... one of the pastors gave a word to give up whatever is holding you back.  For me... that's me! I'm holding me back! I won't let go! I won't give it up to him.  I started sobbing even harder and I gave me to God.  I said over and over "Take me papa! I'm yours!"  they began to sing again and this time I couldn't sing even if I tried!  God said to be silent.  He sang the words to me.  Papa sang "I need you more, more than yesterday....."

I am amazed at who God is! In the moments that most would give up on you and say your a lost cause, he presses in to let you know you aren't! He presses in to let you know that you are loved.  If you haven't said it lately... take some time today to say "I'm yours" and mean it... He'll meet you there in an amazing way!  He truly will!

Needing you more!
~Papa's girl~


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