
Showing posts from March, 2013


Well, I have heard God say a lot more here lately "Shhh!"  Seriously God?  Don't you know you made me a motor mouth and I don't like that word!  But, it's true, he continues... I've been asking God for wisdom, asking Him to show me the direction I am to be going and how to help my family grow in Him more.  In that, He has used the scripture over and over... Be still and know that I am God.  As I have managed to get more and more quiet I am beginning to see things and hear Him!  Ever heard the line "Stop and smell the roses..." I think that's where I am.  God wants me to see what's around me. What He's is doing.  What He is about in my life.  In that I am beginning to see His awesome majesty!  The beauty of just how much He loves me and loves every one in my house.  It's amazing too what you see about yourself when you manage to be truly "still" and know that HE IS God! Love, Your not so quiet quiet one... :)

Free will offerings

I am going through a women's study with some ladies at the church we've been attending.  The study is called "A Woman's Heart, God's Dwelling Place" by Beth Moore.  This is my first experience doing any of her studies.  I must say that she has been given some seriously POWERFUL insights into the word of God and a true gift to deliver those insights to your heart in a way that makes the word become more true and alive to you. Today, in our daily study, we looked at the period of time when God told Moses to have the people bring free will offerings before Him for the building of the tabernacle.  In Exodus 36:6-7, it says, "Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp: 'No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary.' And so the people were restrained from bringing more, because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work."  I really became convicted with this.  Our country

Time together!

Yesterday, the kids and I had a lot of fun together!  Sunday evenings, I have been trying to do more fun things with them just because its about our only day of nothing to do but attend church!  So, yesterday, we made COOKIES!!!  The kids love chocolate chip cookies.  It's fun to watch them explore measurements and learn to make things on their own.  They really enjoyed it!  We did one other thing after we were done with the cookies but for today's entry it is top secret!!!  We made Papaw Stumps birthday present! :)  So, in a few days, I'll post some pictures and let you see just how much fun we had!  The older two (during little brothers nap) went out to play yesterday.  It was in the 50's and let me tell you, they are ready for spring to come!  They had so much fun running and playing in the back yard.  Hearing their giggles as I watched from the table/window just made my day!  Take time to enjoy today!  Find something that will make you smile and realize that

Who needs bread??

I have been reading a book written by Max Lucado.  As I am reading this book, I find so many nuggets of truth that God has already been speaking to me. Funny how God does that.  Kind of like he's saying "I REALLY really want you to get this!"  My big battle right now is my weight!  I like to eat... I don't eat a lot of junk but I do turn to food too often when I'm stressed or whatever... How many of you are stress eaters?  I'm sure guilty!  Well, we all know life is stressful! I've lost 50 lbs but I seem to be stuck there.  Yep!  Truly stuck.  So, God's been talking to me.  He's been reminding me that HE needs to be my only comfort.  Not people, not food, not anything other than HIM!  As I am reading this book, I just stopped in my tracks!  Mathew 4:4 says  Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” It gripped me! Right there! Jesus in his most obvious weak point