
Showing posts from February, 2013

All of YOU! None of me....

Last night, as I was tucking the kids into bed, I was feeling frazzled and burned out because the day had been long.  The kids had been at each other, tempers were flairing between them and it just over all stunk.  I took Sister's Bible and sat down to read to them.  I read Psalm 1.  Some of the verses are as follows: vs. 1 "blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of the mockers." vs. 2 "But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night."  vs. 3 "He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." If you'll recall with me, I just posted a bit ago about being a seed.  This has really opened my mind up to the fact that my life needs to be TOTALLY enveloped in Him and who HE is.  When I read these Bible verses last night, it took me by surprise that

Making Changes

It's funny the journey that life takes us on.  A couple of years ago, life was much different for me. God uses life circumstances to teach us and make us realize our own faults!  For instance, one thing I have continued to work with my daughter on (As you know, we homeschool) having a better attitude about school.  She gets grumpy and thinks it's "Stupid to learn this" or she gets fussy about "Why do I have to write that when I already know how..." Being this way brings down her entire day and well, it affects the quality of her work and the mood of all of us around her!  Philippians 2:14 says "Do everything without grumbling or arguing"  As I have been teaching her this, and let me tell you... it's been a battle, God has really shown me that I have this area in my life that needs work as well! My arear isn't my school work, obviously! However, one of my health issues requires my body to eat lower carbs in order to keep my levels normal

I am a seed

    I bought a new CD last night and this song was on it.  It brought me a huge smile.  After my last post, God has continued to work in me.  I have begun realizing that I have a lot of damage in my heart that I didn't realize I hadn't dealt with.  I have had 12 or 13 years of woundings to uncover and face!  When Jeff and I met, we were in a real difficult situation.  God brought us through that together so that in the end, we could be married and live an amazing life together and have an awesome little family!    Both of us had pain that we had dealt with but hadn't ripped the bandage completely off before we moved on. I think we all do that.  We'll deal with a part of the problems we bare but we leave a bit untouched that we hang onto! That's the area of our heart that's ours, not Gods!  Ya know what I mean?   Then we went through some ministry situations that were painful.  More times of being let down by "Christians" and being left to wonder why p


This past week, we had another bumpy road in life!  It's funny how God uses our trials to teach us and to grow us!  I am grateful for family membes who are there for us through thick and thin and never question what we need or how great the task!  I am grateful for friends who stand beside us and lift us up and encourage us!  This week, I have hit my all time low of not understanding life.  I got a text from a friend that God has always used as an instrument of speaking truth into my life since we were little girls playing together!  I don't think she realized the depth (Or maybe she did since she always seems to "get it") of what she was saying to me but this is the passage she sent... Psalm 27:13-14 "What would have become of me had I not believed to see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living!  Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage, and let your heart be stout and enduring. yes, wait and hope for and expect the Lord.