Search and find

Have you ever looked at those search and find books?  Things like "Where's Waldo" or the hundreds of other books they have like this.  Man! They make my head hurt looking through the pages and pages of pictures with my kids. 

Have you ever thought about your walk with God?  Many call it a religion... but really... it's a relationship.  Have you ever stopped to think that people are watching... That your life is like a page of the "Where's Waldo" book... Maybe Waldo is God in your life... or maybe Waldo is finding that small truth to say you are what or who you say you are!  The world stands back watching and wondering and looking.  Doubt creeps in as you try to share the gospel and people question you and question why you say you are this God following person.

We all know that words hold very little meaning when ACTIONS do not show it.  Someone says they're a Christian, someone says they go to church, or someone says they're "in ministry" but when the doors are closed... when you think no one is watching... or when you are out with friends... when you get angry at work... when you live life outside of the four walls of church... WHAT DOES YOUR LIFE SAY?  When the unbeliever is observing the pages of your life... Is Waldo the small amount of God they are trying to find on a great big page of things that make them doubt God... or is Waldo the small amount of things that make them doubt on a great big page of God truly shining in your life?

I was reading 1 Kings 17 more about Elijah and the widow who God commanded to supply Elijah with food.  As I'm reading it... I see doubt in her.  I see fear of trust.  She did as Elijah told her.  She made him the bread even though her ingredients were her last.  She saw God make her food stretch.  But she doubted Elijah.  Her son fell ill while Elijah was staying with her and he died.  She said to him, "What do you have against me, man of God? Did you come to remind me of my sin and kill my son?" 

The first thing that creeps in is anger and doubt.  She doubted Elijah and who he said he was.  She automatically blamed him and felt that he wasn't who he said he was.  Elijah took her son and prayed and acted on what he felt God wanted him to do.  He was relentless in his prayers and prayed until the boys life returned.  When Elijah took the boy to her, she said to him, "Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the Lord from your mouth is the truth." 

This story... this reality this woman walked through.  She was looking for Waldo.  She wanted to know that this man Elijah was who he said he was.. a man of God.  Her circumstances were pretty huge to be honest.  But it comes down to the same issue... she doubted him... she doubted the pages of his life... she doubted the words he spoke... it was his actions... it was what he lived out that convinced her. 

I look at my life and so much has changed.  I often step back and wonder what people see in the pages of my life... at the end of the day... what does the world say?  Do my actions assure them I am a woman of God... or do my actions say that those are simply words and they don't see God? 

What's your book look like?  In order to change the world... in order to reach the world... in order to draw the world into Him...they MUST see God in us...they must be able to not just HEAR our words... but to SEE our words lived out before them!

A mom.. searching to be more like Him! 


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