What's that God?

Have you ever felt that nudge of the Holy Spirit? The urge telling you to do something... OH boy! I have.  I remember growing up with my parents doing children's ministry on the road.  Over and over... God would speak to me.  God would tell me something to say to someone... at points, the reaction around me was *gasp* but then you'd begin to see God work.  I remember a time we were eating in a restaurant and God gave me something to say to these two men eating together... I bravely walked up to them and would say what God put on my heart... with out fail... each time this happened... you could see the wave of emotion... you could feel God working... I'd walk away feeling strong and proud that again... GOD had chosen me....

Today, I'm reading the Bible. Sometimes what God asks of us isn't easy.  Sometimes it is we, as Christians, who *gasp* saying, "God, are you nuts?  Are you trying to get me killed?  Or make everyone hate me?"  I've had those moments.  There have been times in life that what God showed me or asked me to speak... I wasn't necessarily well liked for it.  Being a vessel... a mouth piece for God can be scary ESPECIALLY in this day and age.  Today, people often want things padded, pretty, encouraging... Gosh... they even want us to accept things that are wrong just so no ones feelings are hurt.  Growing up as a child, I remember thinking when I got in trouble... why do they have to be so mean or strict... but today, I'm thankful for those boundaries... Those boundaries have made me a responsible adult who can handle the bumps in life.

Our God... our FATHER... the word of God... never padded things.  How many times in the Bible when Jesus spoke was he politically correct? I have grown to HATE that very phrase.  We as Christians have become so jaded by this world.  So jaded by what our country has become.  I know many times I've read a post on FB or heard someone talking and I've wanted to scream GROW UP!  But, in doing so... I wasn't speaking as God would have me... however.... knowing our God... I am sure he feels like screaming that too sometimes!  Ha!

The reality is... what God is trying to help me see today is this... We don't have to be afraid to stand up for what we believe or speak out when he gives us something to say.  In that moment, if God is asking me to say something (which he often does) that is hard for me to speak... hard for someone to hear... I need not fear!  I look at Elijah!  Come on now... the man spoke and had to run for his life! 

1 King 17:1 "Now Elijah the Tishbite, from Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, 'As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word." 

Can you imagine being the one that God tells to say this to Ahab?  Yeah... I don't think it would go over so hot! In the next verse...

vs. 2-4 "Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah; 'Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook,  and I have ordered the ravens to you there.'" 

So... put yourself there.. "Hey Ahab... by the way... God told me to tell you that there will be no dew or rain for quite awhile..."  then God says, "Ok Elijah.... great! Now hide!!!" 

I see so much humor here (Maybe I'm just crazy that way...) But I'm also struck by the reality of something... when God tells you to do or say something.... even if it is unpopular and could threaten your life... Guess what?!?!  He has your back!!! He's got you!  It's ok for us to stand up for what's right or to speak out when He puts it on our hearts!  He will protect us and take care of us!  He took Elijah to a place where he could drink and sent Ravens for him.  God had him covered... completely... there's been so many times lately... I've felt that nudge again... heard him speaking... and I have been afraid to speak up.  I don't want my kids to ever take the brunt even... But the reality is... God has them too!  He has our whole lives in his hand... there is no greater place to be.... so if God has put something on your heart... don't be afraid... he's got you! He has the provision in place and so go ahead... let him use you!

Now... on a side note... I want to also state that GOD will provide provision... but there are times Christians obviously are persecuted or even killed for their beliefs... I am NOT stating here that this isn't possible... but in all of those stories and times... GOD IS THERE too! Providing peace and strength and going through it with you... So, hear me say... don't be angry if God doesn't tell you to hide... or if life gets tough because IT DOES!  I have PLENTY of stories there I could tell you from my own testimonies!  Yep... but again, in my testimonies, GOD WAS THERE! :)  Now... Go... and speak the truth... speak his word! And share!  God's got you!


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