When is it too hard?

I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately.  It feels that everything has hit hard and all at once.  We as humans get tired.  We start to feel like we can't say that one more prayer begging for a change, we can't make that next step of faith to trust tomorrow is going to be Ok, or maybe we aren't even sure if there's hope for tomorrow... Some may read that and think, "Well how depressing!" but when the battle is strong and the fight goes on and on... at some point, we grow weary!  We become so tired that we aren't sure of ourselves and we just don't know how to cope with it. 

Today, I was praying.  For me, I'm battling chronic illness, both in me and in my children. I'm at a place that I'm having to figure out how to cope with unwanted changes in my body.  The things that I used to do, there are many that I can't do at all and many that have become a struggle for me to do.  In that moment, I have to start to realize that I have to accept who I am today.  I have to come to a place that I can say, "Ok God, for whatever reason, this is what you want today... "  But it hurts.  It sucks to be honest! 

I start to feel like it's not fair and it's too much... that it's simply to hard... What does God remind me of?  Jeremiah 32:17 "Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you."  He made the heavens and the earth... he made ME... he made YOU... I guess at this point then... I can say that nothing is too hard for him.  NOTHING... His word is true...

Life is hard... disease is scary... changes are pretty much stinky.... BUT NOTHING... no disease, no change, no hardship whatsoever in your life or mine is too hard for Him! 

So today, my hearts cry is to turn this over to him and to let him worry about the hard part of life and to begin to seek out the why... why am I here?  What is my purpose in this season of life?  How can my light shine today to bring glory in the situation we are in? 

Lord, please give me the strength to release this to you... to know that today isn't too hard for you and though the big picture is scary... you created me and you created my family and NOTHING is too hard for you! 


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