Surviving life in a chaotic world!
I don't know how it is at your house, but here it gets pretty crazy! We have lots going on between doctoring, therapies, medical stuff at home, 4-H clubs, family gatherings, homeschool, and THEN you add on normal every day life. One thing we are striving to instill in our kids is how to conserve our spoons. (Spoons represent the energy we have to spend... Google the "spoon theory" to better understand!) One way of conserving is finding ways to manage the chaos! Setting a schedule, making goals, having lists that are defined what need done this day to prepare for another day! I have become very OCD about checklists and calendars. I know for me, I spend my spoons fast when I'm not prepared. What happens when your not prepared? You manage to race around as fast as you possibly can and your scrambling to find everything you need, put together what has to go with you and then you get there and realize half of what you need... well, it's...