God, are you out there??

Here lately, I have been wrestling with a lot of things within myself.  Questions... Questions some times get me in trouble, do you know what I mean?

This morning I got up and I had my Bible out reading.  I normally don't do the drop and read thing where you just let your Bible fall open and start reading... but I did today.  I read in 2 Chronicles.  I know I know!  Crazy right? 

Well, as I was reading I just stopped... this is what popped out to me...

"...The Lord is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you."
This made me stop and ponder for a moment... Have you ever heard people say or even asked yourself "Where is God when I need him?"  Yes, I have been known to ask that question.  In a moment of sheer fear or furry... Really depends what mood suited me at the moment!
Reading this today makes me stop and be reminded, God wants each of us to want him.  He isn't a God who will swoop in and just take over.  He waits.  He waits until you want him.  The Lord is with you when you are with him.  There isn't a whole lot to say about it... being with someone is a choice. 
I think sometimes, it's hard to remember wanting to be with someone is more than them just being in your life... it's living it, it's having passion, it's your actions saying that you belong to Him.  Later in this passage you see where Asa (where did they come up with these names?), he begins to realize that life's a bit out of control and he begins to do a house cleaning of sorts, getting rid of idols, he repaired the altar. He took it serious! 
I tell my kids all the time "I'm sorry is an empty phrase when you don't show change."  Asa was showing God change!  He was showing God his desire to have HIM in his life by his actions.  Later on it says this....
"Although he did not remove the high places from Israel, Asa's heart was fully committed to he Lord all his life."
God doesn't expect perfection.... He expects our hearts!  Our whole heart... He wants us to choose him and give him our all...


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