The journey...

I sometimes sit in awe of where we came from and where we are.  Never in a million years would I have thought that God would have brought us to the place we are. 

I remember standing in a service one Sunday where my husband used to be a missions pastor, I was beside him and God said to me "Will you serve me no matter what?"  Well, of course!  Ha ha!  I had no idea what that answer meant and what was to come!  Today, would I answer it differently?  Absolutely NOT!  I love where God's brought us and what we are doing! 

Last night, we met at the park for youth group.  Before youth was to start, a young lady was walking up to the shelter.  As she walked, it was like she was coming directly towards me.  I looked around thinking maybe there was someone behind me and well... no.  It was me!  She came up and started talking.  Telling me life sucks and unfolding her story.  I ended up sitting down with her and listening as the tears flowed and was able to talk with her about God and offer prayer. 

In that moment, she needed love.  As she walked away, I prayed fervantly for her. Then in my feeling of inadaquecy, God brought to mind the scripture he gave me earlier that week.  Isaiah 60 says “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.  See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.  Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.”

I felt like I didn't have what it took to minister and be there in that moment and I didn't understand why she picked me to come to.  But it wasn't me at all!  The reality is... when we have Christ in our life, that light within us shines in the darkness!  It's what people are drawn to in the time of need!  Her darkness was pretty dark.  She said "I feel so much better just being here and talking and I dont even know you...."  That brightness that only Christ can give was what drew her! 

God longs for each of us to be a light and to let that light shine.  For a long time in my life that light wasn't very bright!  May HIS glory be upon me and may HE be able to use me more.  I want my life to shine. I want my life to be something He can work through.  Not anything for myself, but for Him alone! 


  1. Thanks for sharing. So glad you are blogging again. Hope that you keep it up as I often wonder how you aren


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