Cherish the moments...

We have been trying to establish new routines.  We have always done the kids devotions at night just before bed. However, that's been really difficult as they are always so tired.  So, today, we put them right after breakfast!  We started with prayer requests and then praying for each other. Then we moved into our Bible time. 

As I listened to prayer requests and praises, my heart was so pleased!  These truly are the moments to cherish!  For instance, Joey said "I want to thank God that I love my mommy so much."  And then Abby says "I want to thank God for all the ways He has blessed us and for a family who loves each other."  It's in those moments that all fears that your parenting is all wrong begins to fade and you realize that you have bad days or bad moments but some where in there you MUST be doing something right!  It just made me smile! 

For our Bible study, we read 1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 

We went through what it means to confess and how pride sometimes gets in our way.  We talked about how God will forgive us and make us clean again.  Then we said how when we say sorry to God for the sin, or the wrong thing we did, we need to tell the person/people around us that our bad choice effected that we are sorry too!  In doing this, it was so neat to watch their little light bulbs come on.  To see them put it together! 

We went around and we each confessed a sin that we had already done that day (Isn't it great how imperfect we all are?!?!) and then we prayed.  It's beautiful to hear their prayers. Amazing to watch them get it!  I just love the innocence of children and I just wish that I could absolutely be more like them. 

So, today, I have been really focused on this passage.  Each moment, confessing before him!  Then trying to focus in on how to rid myself of even those little habits that are wrong by pressing into God and allowing Him to be part of each moment! 


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