Another step...

I went to Muncie today, just JJ and me.  Have you ever had that moment you really just needed a breakthrough with God, and it happens when you least expect it?  That was me today! 
Life has been a real different journey for me lately.  With a fairly new diagnosis of my own health, learning the tests results, trying to learn the daily routine of what I need and then learning to cope with the fact my health is not what it once was. 
I knew this bothered me, but I didn't realize to the extent that it made me struggle!  Today, as I was driving and listening to this song, something snapped in me.  I realized that my health issues don't have to bring me down.  The words to a song came on and started to hit me really hard!  This is what they said "There's a peace  I have come to know. Though my heart & flesh my fail. There's an anchor for my soul. I can sing it is well."
I haven't sang "it is well for a long time"... instead I have found myself sad and battling to understand why this is all happening within me.  But what I have seemed to lose track of is there is an anchor for my soul!  I can sing it is well! 
As I listened to this song, I wept and I began to see and understand that this body might fail, but Jesus paid a price that no matter what this body might do, in the end, I have victory because he over came!  So, I am trying to regain my focus and find joy even on the hard days!!
Thank you God for who you are.  Thank you that you loved me enough to give me an anchor and that I can sing it is well with my soul! 


  1. What a testimony!!! Marty and I have gone through a lot of scares and heartache since we have moved to this holler in KY. The violence, the drugs, missing our families - our oldest son, and many times we have wanted to turn and run, just live a normal life, going to work and maybe twice a week to church. But we realize He did not call us for that, but has prepared us for this moment through our trials. And priase God He is still working, preparing us for whatever He has planned for us next. We are doing a series called 'The Cross and Suffering' in our bible study here in our church in KY. I don't know why we have to go through the things we do, but God knows, and I know that each and every thing has been planned for us from the beginning of time. I believe the key is trust in Him, and that has gotten us through. No matter what, we know that if He engineered it, it is His plan for good; and if He allowed it He will turn it into good. I hope this makes sense to you Mindy, I have chills reading your blog and felt obligated to respond, and I have never typed this fast in my life. We want to come to your church some time now that team season has died down, and I look forward to finally meeting you!! God bless!!

    Sue Fuller

    1. Sue, this made total sense! Thank you so much for responding and writing what you did! I'm praying for you guys and I am very much looking forward to when you are able to come! I have never met you guys but feel such a heart connection with you. So awesome how God does that!!! Hugs!

    2. Wow...your response, Sue, sent chills through me! So well said and so relevant to multiple situations.


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