Dry times...

These last few weeks, I have been walking through what feels like a spiritual valley, a dry valley.  This morning, I feel like I hit a new low.  So, I'm sitting here with tears, pouring out before God.  Listening to worship always picks me up!  But this morning, I am in the word.  I opened to the story of the valley of dry bones found in Ezekiel. 

In this particular passage, the Lord commanded the prophet to go and to speak life over the bones.  He did. This is what he reports "as I prophesied,  there was a noise, and behold a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to its bone. And I looked, and behold sinews were on them, and flesh gew and skin covered them; but there was no breath in them." continuing on...God told him to speak again... "So I prophesied as he commanded me and breath came into them..."

As I read these passage this morning, my heart pounds within me.  There is only thing that God askes of us to see his power... OBEDIENCE!  This prophet had one thing that would have kept him from hearing those bones rattling in that valley... his choice of speaking the prophecy or not.  He spoke and he heard a noise.  Our obedience brings about action which means our disobedience does as well! 

I know for me, there are things I'm holding tight to right now that I'm fearful to let go of. I'm fearful to give them completely to God so I keep one finger on them because I need one little bit of control still!  But that's an act of disobedience.  I have to let go! I have to give every bit over to hear the noise! To see God move!  So Lord, I let go. I will speak what you say speak, I will do what you say do!  Lets go Lord!  Lets raise that valley up together! Lord use me! Lord raise me! Lord fill me! I'm yours I'm yours I'm yours!!!!  Let your breath of life burn within me just like it did those dry bones! 


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