
Showing posts from 2012

Another step...

 I went to Muncie today, just JJ and me.  Have you ever had that moment you really just needed a breakthrough with God, and it happens when you least expect it?  That was me today!    Life has been a real different journey for me lately.  With a fairly new diagnosis of my own health, learning the tests results, trying to learn the daily routine of what I need and then learning to cope with the fact my health is not what it once was.    I knew this bothered me, but I didn't realize to the extent that it made me struggle!  Today, as I was driving and listening to this song, something snapped in me.  I realized that my health issues don't have to bring me down.  The words to a song came on and started to hit me really hard!  This is what they said "There's a peace  I have come to know. Though my heart & flesh my fail. There's an anchor for my soul. I can sing it is well."   I haven't sang "it is well for a long time"... instead I

The journey...

I sometimes sit in awe of where we came from and where we are.  Never in a million years would I have thought that God would have brought us to the place we are.  I remember standing in a service one Sunday where my husband used to be a missions pastor, I was beside him and God said to me "Will you serve me no matter what?"  Well, of course!  Ha ha!  I had no idea what that answer meant and what was to come!  Today, would I answer it differently?  Absolutely NOT!  I love where God's brought us and what we are doing!  Last night, we met at the park for youth group.  Before youth was to start, a young lady was walking up to the shelter.  As she walked, it was like she was coming directly towards me.  I looked around thinking maybe there was someone behind me and well... no.  It was me!  She came up and started talking.  Telling me life sucks and unfolding her story.  I ended up sitting down with her and listening as the tears flowed and was able to talk with her about

Dry times...

These last few weeks, I have been walking through what feels like a spiritual valley, a dry valley.  This morning, I feel like I hit a new low.  So, I'm sitting here with tears, pouring out before God.  Listening to worship always picks me up!  But this morning, I am in the word.  I opened to the story of the valley of dry bones found in Ezekiel.  In this particular passage, the Lord commanded the prophet to go and to speak life over the bones.  He did. This is what he reports "as I prophesied,  there was a noise, and behold a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to its bone. And I looked, and behold sinews were on them, and flesh gew and skin covered them; but there was no breath in them." continuing on...God told him to speak again... "So I prophesied as he commanded me and breath came into them..." As I read these passage this morning, my heart pounds within me.  There is only thing that God askes of us to see his power... OBEDIENCE!  This prophet