
Showing posts from December, 2018

Bearing A Heavy Title....

Today as I was listening to my worship station, this song, "Fear Is a Liar" came on and it really stopped me for a moment as I truly listened.  The fear of the titles we bear often is the liar that drags us down.... Sometimes, the titles that people don't think of are the titles that many bear on a daily basis. You often think about titles just as jobs that we hold.  Positions of power... but we all have titles in our lives... some titles are heavier than the title of any highest power you could hold... it is often a title that we  bear completely alone.  Titles like "Special needs, spoony, terminal, chronic, incurable, progressive..." The list could go on!  Yes... medical titles cause fear!  They hold us back, they tell us we can't be what we always dreamt or wanted... they crush us... but God has a plan beyond that title.  God says in Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans  I have for you,” declares the  Lord , “plans to prosper  you and not to ha