
Showing posts from October, 2017

Turn of events...

My life has taken a sudden change... everything I once knew... it feels I no longer know.  I was admitted 2 1/2 weeks ago because of my aspiration issues and a Peg tube (feeding tube) was placed in my abdomen.  I went in with the understanding this was going to be supplemental... and I came out learning this was it... This was my sole nutrition.... The words NPO indefinitely were written in bold letters across the note from my surgeon and team of doctors (NPO meaning... nothing by mouth).  You don't realize how big that word Indefinite is... until it's placed on something major in your life.  This has been a hard road.  I have put on my bravest most strongest face I can... but there are moments... daily moments... I find myself broken... I feel so much better now with my health that it makes it all worthwhile but for me... for many... food is social!  We get together and we eat.... we have parties and we eat... we have victories and we eat... we go on dates and we eat... Ther