
Showing posts from May, 2016

When is it too hard?

I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately.  It feels that everything has hit hard and all at once.  We as humans get tired.  We start to feel like we can't say that one more prayer begging for a change, we can't make that next step of faith to trust tomorrow is going to be Ok, or maybe we aren't even sure if there's hope for tomorrow... Some may read that and think, "Well how depressing!" but when the battle is strong and the fight goes on and on... at some point, we grow weary!  We become so tired that we aren't sure of ourselves and we just don't know how to cope with it.  Today, I was praying.  For me, I'm battling chronic illness, both in me and in my children. I'm at a place that I'm having to figure out how to cope with unwanted changes in my body.  The things that I used to do, there are many that I can't do at all and many that have become a struggle for me to do.  In that moment, I have to start to realize that I hav