
Showing posts from March, 2015

I created YOU!

Lately, every time I get in the van, it seems one song ALWAYS comes on and well, if it does and I have Abby with me... we have to play it three times!  This song at first was just kind of fun to sing, but then... it started eating at me!  That... "Deep down inside eating at me."  As I'm sitting here with my Bible this morning doing quiet time with God... I read a verse that triggers that nagging feeling again. The verse is in Psalm 7:9 and says "O righteous God, who searches minds and hearts, bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure..."  Our God... Our papa searches hearts!  He searches minds! He knows what it is that goes on in our world.  He isn't blind to the wickedness and the violence.... He sees it.  He also sees who is righteous!  Sometimes, I hear Christians living in fear.  Thinking that they have a need to fear what's going to come, what's happening in America, the evil, the wrong.... But the reality is,