The journey...
I sometimes sit in awe of where we came from and where we are. Never in a million years would I have thought that God would have brought us to the place we are. I remember standing in a service one Sunday where my husband used to be a missions pastor, I was beside him and God said to me "Will you serve me no matter what?" Well, of course! Ha ha! I had no idea what that answer meant and what was to come! Today, would I answer it differently? Absolutely NOT! I love where God's brought us and what we are doing! Last night, we met at the park for youth group. Before youth was to start, a young lady was walking up to the shelter. As she walked, it was like she was coming directly towards me. I looked around thinking maybe there was someone behind me and well... no. It was me! She came up and started talking. Telling me life sucks and unfolding her story. I ended up sitting down with her and l...