
Showing posts from May, 2018

Finding oneself in a lost world...

As our children grow, I watch the talks that we have change.  The questions become harder.  The shows that they watch become harder to combat with.  The world we live in grows stronger to over take and overwhelm with ways that seem to take them down paths that are hard and scary... This morning as I prayed, I was overwhelmed by todays society. Thinking of the youth of today... teens taking on the Tide Pod challenge or the Aerosol deodorant challenge... The amount of stories I hear of teens struggling to know their "sexual identity", or the cutting, the suicide attempts because of the pressures of life, drug overdoses, the shootings and killings... it's a heavy world... Then our children ask questions. They want to understand. They want to know why. So, this morning, God took me to a passage I know well, but it clicked in a way it had never clicked today.  It's found in 2 Timothy 4:2 It says, "Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, re