
Showing posts from February, 2016


Valley... what do you think of when you hear that word?  Me, I often think of the times in life that I've felt like the mountain (or problem) before me was just too overwhelming and too hard to handle.  It's a point in life I'm down and feel defeated like there's no way out.  Many think of that and other things when they think of the word valley.  The actual definition of Valley is a low area of land between mountains and hills.   Today, I was doing my usual afternoon routine when I got a text from a friend.  The text had a picture of her calendar that showed her word for today.  The passage she shared with me made me smile and made me think about the wonderful love of our God.  Soon after, a song came on that went right along with what I just read.  Ever have those God moments where you just sit back and go WOW?  I have friend that always said, "I just got God (goose) bumps!"  That's where I was in that moment.   So, the song... let me share some

What good is it?

What good is it?  Ever ask that of yourself?  Ever look around you and question why you try, why you care, or even what good it is to try to do right or to do what you know God wants you to do?  I think we all have, to be totally honest!  This morning, as I read the Bible, I sat thinking about this.  I'll be honest!  I have done that.  There are times we struggle... whether it be financially, physical health, desires... that list can go on and on for every one of us!  Then I see someone who's never gave much effort or has lived a life of doing nothing but everything against God... and they appear to be blessed or to have it all... A little jealousy sets in... right? Then you start to look at yourself and your own life and wonder why on earth you try so hard every day... Then I'm tripped up... my favorite line is God's got this... but I can stray from that! How easily I can stray from that! Then this morning, I asked God... what is it you want me to read today.  Romans